Video: How and What To Pack For Ecuador

Written by Jessica Dodson on

Jessica was in-house at Eagle Creek for more than 7 years. What’s most interesting about her, is her passion to travel and connect others with authentic experiences. Having been all over Europe, to Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Kenya, Russia, and so many more places, she is legitimately a world traveler. You’ll see Jessica hosting our packing and product videos.

How and What to Pack for Ecuador

Jessica Dodson, Eagle Creek Travel Lover and Packing Expert, shows you how and what to pack for Ecuador.

Headed on a trip to Ecuador? So exciting! There are so many adventures you can hit when you are there (The Swing at the End of the World anyone?)—but first you have to make sure to pack everything you need for an active trip. It’s also helpful to brush up on keeping everything organized and avoiding over-packing! Here, travel expert Jessica Dodson shares her tips on what to pack for Ecuador, and how to fit it all in a carry-on and personal item.

So what are you waiting for? See what she packs for 16 days in one carry-on 4-wheel suitcase.

Jessica’s Take-Away Packing Tips:

  • Think through the activities you’ll be doing on your trip and then make a packing list – believe me, it’s a huge time-saver! If you’re going to be hiking, swimming, and seeing city sights, you’ll likely need different gear for different days. There’s nothing worse than showing up to a beautiful beach only to realize you forgot your swimsuit!
  • Don’t forget the little things, aka your travel accessories—a travel pillow, ear plugs, an eye mask, money belt, travel locks, etc.—that will make your journey more comfortable. There are the things you’ll need on the plane as well as on your person while out and about.
  • Bring your prescription scripts with you, just in case you need a refill, or in case airport security questions you.
  • Set aside the things you’ll want for the plane before you begin to pack your main luggage. You don’t want to be freezing on the plane, only to realize you accidentally stowed your jacket in your suitcase!
  • Pack with Pack-It in order to compress your items and know exactly where everything is! These can do double duty for separating clean and dirty clothes during trip too.

Related Links (from Eagle Creek blog):

Adventures in Banos, Ecuador

Safety Tips for Traveling Abroad

Packing List for the City