These Products Will Keep You Feeling Fresh on Trips Without Showers

man running through hills

Written by Hilary Sheinbaum on

man running through hills

It’s undeniable: Nature is beautiful. The sights, sounds, and scents we interact with while hiking, boating, and camping are part of exciting exploration. That said, even though engaging with Mother Earth is awe-inspiring, the reality of smelling like you’ve been immersed in the great outdoors for an extended period of time—without a shower to rinse away the day—possesses far less natural beauty.

While discovering new places, scenes, and wildlife, there’s no doubt your surroundings can take a toll on hygiene. Packing clothes and accessories for the occasion and the destination is imperative, and the same goes for personal cleanliness. Thankfully, these six beauty and grooming products can help you cleanse, touch up, and eliminate odors—all without the luxury of running water.


Whether sweat is dripping from your temples, your armpits, or any other place during a sunny or humid day, baby wipes, body wipes, or facial wipes provide an easy tool to swipe away moisture, dirt and oil, on the go. Plus, choosing antibacterial wipes will fight some stink-causing bacteria. Stash yours away in an easily accessible compact packing organizer for quick access to expelling uncomfortable beads of perspiration.

Dry Shampoo

When running water isn’t available, dry shampoo saves oily hair—and sometimes even the day (or at least your Instagramable photo ops). With a quick spray and toss of tresses (read: no H2O necessary), manes are transformed from slick to soft. Pick a bottle smaller than three ounces so you can carry it on in your versatile camping pack.


Smelling the roses on a hike doesn’t mean you’ll smell like roses at the end of the day. Whether it’s spray on or a stick, antiperspirant comes in all shapes and sizes, and should be applied regularly—for the sake of your fellow travelers, if nothing else.


Although dentists will recommend brushing your teeth, it’s not always feasible when bathrooms are out of sight. Save your breath—and the planet—by filling reusable bottles with mouthwash to hold you over until running water is available.

Dual Use Accessories

Wearing stylish, lightweight headbands can do more than elevate your hiking ensembles: A cotton bandana can double as a washcloth to save you room in your pack. Keep sunrays off your head and hair during the day, and scrub away dirt and grime at night with this multi-purpose accessory.

Biodegradable Soap

Part of appreciating the great outdoors is respecting Mother Nature. Instead of damaging the environment with toxic chemicals when you take a camp shower, look for soaps that are made without phosphates, surfactants and any ingredients that are “anti-bacterial.”

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